Bojana Gutić, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, born on February 8, 1984. in Zemun, Serbia
She finished primary and secondary school in Indjija. She is the holder of Vuk’s diploma. She was enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine in 2002, and graduated on December 22, 2010. years. Graduated from the academic specialist studies in the field of human reproduction, Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade in 2014, with a defense of the paper on “Fetal maturity in gestational and insulin-dependent diabetes – diagnosis and therapy”. A doctorate in the field of gynecological oncology is being prepared. December 2014 – July 2018, completed the specialization in gynecology and obstetrics with great success.
Volunteer work at KGA KCS from March 2010 to March 2012. Then she volunteered at the Department of Gynecology of the Clinic for Operative Oncology of the Institute of Oncology of Vojvodina, and then from November 2012 she is employmed. Assistant at the Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad at the Department of Oncology since 2017. Study stay at the Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Charles University in Prague. Memberships in professional associations: Serbian Medical Association, European Society for Gynecological Oncology (ESGO), National Representative of Serbia in The European Network of Young Gynae Oncologists from 2015-2019, International Gynecologic Cancer Society (ICGS), European Society for Medical Oncology